The Young Wild Release Cinematic New Single, “In The Wild”


Indie rock trio The Young Wild are capping off a busy 2016 with the release of their new single “In The Wild.”

Singer Bryan B. William had this to say about the track:

‘In The Wild’ is about running out on a true human connection. “Like you’ve cheated this person out of an experience with you because you don’t like who you become in your rawest moments – you forecast that you can’t meet them halfway. And you bail. And never does it feel like it was a bigger mistake than when it’s too late. What you left was closer to transparency. Closer to vulnerability. It was a privilege and privilege is hard to find.

You can listen to “In The Wild,” below. Let us know what you think, tweet us (be sure to use #ERocks in the tweet)! 

The Young Wild is an indie rock trio fronted by Bryan B. William. Tangential threads from San Diego, Temecula and Hawaii sewn into circumstance and the pursuit of a similar sound: modern alt-rock played on vintage tubes and synths excavated from the depths of eBay.

The music is reminiscent, yet never derivative, of influences like Tame Impala, Father John Misty, The Killers, Delta Spirit and Cold War Kids to name a few. A combination of classic rock chops earned from years in cover bands, and the cool chime of alt-rock (a la Devo and Alphaville) cut with William’s allegiance to soul, Motown and precision groove. New wave with an old soul. All of the angst ridden youth, all of the hindsight.

The Young Wild spent much of 2016 on the road, most recently wrapping up a tour with indie pop singer Max Frost. The band plans to write and release new music in 2017.