Adrienne King Stars in ‘Dead Girl In Apartment 03,’ Available on Digital on August 9 and Blu-Ray/DVD on November 22

Adrienne King, the original final girl in horror classic Friday the 13threturns to the horror arena for DEAD GIRL IN APARTMENT 03, coming to digital on August 9th and Blu-Ray/DVD on November 22nd.

After recently moving to New York City, a young woman is horrified to discover that her roommate has died in their apartment under mysterious circumstances. After her body is taken away by the police, Laura soon feels an unsettling presence in the apartment and paranormal signs that she will soon be the next victim. With the help of a pair of NYC detectives, Laura must uncover the secret behind her roommate’s death before it is too late.

Laura Dooling (Blue Bloods), and Michael Schantz (City on a Hill) also star in the film, the latest from cult auteur Kurtis Spieler (cult classic New York Ninja).