3. Paradis partners with The Shoebox Project and Eight Photographers for ‘Life is Born of Women’

For International Women’s Month, Luxury Streetwear brand 3.Paradis has partnered with charity The Shoebox Project and eight renowned photographers for The Life is Born of Women initiative. 

The purpose of this initiative is to make the world show appreciation to women and recognize their greatness, contribution, and importance to the world, let us not forget that LIFE IS BORN WOMEN!

The photo series features eight curated photographers from all over the world that were commissioned by 3.Paradis to photograph an inspirational woman in their lives and one whom they would like to pay homage to – no special date, no special month, no holiday needed, simply right now – in the moment. The photographers were chosen due to their inspirational work and fantastic imagery and were only tasked to photograph their subject in the special limited edition 3. Paradis t-shirt reflecting Creative Director Emeric Tchatchoua‘s own personal homage to the women who have shaped him, his mother, and grandmother. The rest was up to them!

The T-shirt itself was conceptualized and designed by the women of the brand those being Sarah Berdah and Taylor Yu, who repurposed an image of Tchatchoua’s mother and grandmother and presented it on a white shirt, the print is served in sepia tones, with birds surrounding the two mother figures which is a nod to a considerable part of the brand’s identity.

The t-shirt will be available for sale on www.3paradis.com and will retail for $130 with all proceeds going to The Shoebox Project which collects and distributes gift-filled Shoeboxes to women who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness in communities across the US, UK, and Canada. By distributing these gifts, the goal is to reduce isolation and enhance self-worth for women living in these situations when oftentimes they can feel forgotten, alone, or disconnected from society.