Watch the Trailer for ‘A Cop Movie’ Coming to Select Theaters in October and Netflix on November 5th

Director Alonso Ruizpalacios takes us deep into the Mexican police force with the story of Teresa and Montoya, together known as “the love patrol.” In this thoroughly original and unpredictable documentary, Ruizpalacios plays with the boundaries of nonfiction and immerses the audience into the human experience of police work within a dysfunctional system.

Director Alonso Ruizpalacios said:

Over the course of our investigation, I came to the conclusion that performing is an essential part of a police officer’s life. From the moment they put on the uniform, they are playing a part, which extends throughout their workday, displaying a strength they don’t have or helping with something they are not prepared for. Nevertheless, they have to do it within a dysfunctional system.

Don’t miss A Cop Movie, in select theaters in October and streaming on Netflix on November 5th.