Maren Morris Poses for PLAYBOY, Talks Sex, Women in Country and More

Country music superstar, Marren Morris posed for PLAYBOY, talked sex, women in country and more.

Playboy writer Andrea Domanick dug deep with her questions for Morris, when asked if she was concerned of how people would react that she’s featured in PLAYBOY, she said:

I’m speaking such a loud, noisy concept of what it means to be a woman in the music industry right now. This feels like I’m amplifying a message I’ve been passionate about since the beginning that has intensified in the past year. I feel I’ve already challenged a lot of sexual norms. It’s funny, because it’s not that risqué in the grand scheme of things. Even the cover of GIRL is slightly risqué, but it feels like me—throwback but a little modern. I knew it would piss some people off that I was in a bra top. Doing PLAYBOY has been a really fun challenge. I’m trying to do more things that scare me. Every year I’m trying to peel back my layers emotionally—and I guess physically.

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