Julian King Releases Emotionally Charged New Single, “Can We Go Back”

Philadelphia-based next-gen R&B singer-songwriter Julian King releases emotionally charged single “Can We Go Back.”

When asked about “Can We Go Back” King said:

I remember sitting in my room recording this record, not knowing it would be the very song that would begin my healing, from one of the most trying dating experiences to date. I found my heart in the palm of what now feels like a stranger, and making the decision to walk away was utterly gut-wrenching. That universal feeling of wanting to go back to the days where your stomach fluttered at the sight of his name on my phone, is something I will always credit him the author for. Yet, it’s from this song on that I started writing and feeling in a way that directly mirrored the exact chapter in my story of love, which was something I didn’t do often or as intentionally. I describe this song as the backbone to the emotion of this next era of mine, and the catalyst for boys like me feeling seen. Ironically before I let him go, he ended up loving the song and requesting to hear it all the time. As much as I loved that he loved it, I knew it was over at that point. This song is for all the lovers.