Jennifer Fessler Joins Season 13 of ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’

It’s official, there’s a new housewife in town, Jennifer Fessler is officially joining the thirteenth season of Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Fessler is a Texas-raised, Upper Saddle River NJ-based wife, mother of two, and CEO of F.Major—a research-fueled luxury heel designed to stay wearable through the night. After graduating from University of Texas and spending 11 years working in NYC as both a dating-site director and fashion recruiter, Jen partnered with her longtime friend Shari Friedman on a mission to prove that comfy doesn’t need to mean clunky when it comes to heels. After years of research and many prototypes later, Jennifer and her co-founder, created one style in 3 colorways using innovation patent-pending technology. Elegant, simple, sexy, classy and comfortable, the heels not only met the high standards of European luxury (& are made in Spain), but are wearable through day and night. They’re everything you would think pumps should be — 3-inch heels that never put up with BS or pain.

Now Fessler is embarking on the RHONJ franchise journey where we will get to know the newbie, from her husband and career to her family life.