Graceland Announces Elvis Week 2022 Celebrating the Life, Music, and Legacy of Elvis on the 45th Anniversary of his Passing

Elvis Week™ 2022 will mark the 45th anniversary of Elvis’ passing, and Graceland is preparing for the largest gathering of Elvis fans and friends in years. Taking place August 9-17, Elvis Week is an annual, multi-day gathering celebrating Elvis’ life and legacy.

Elvis Presley’s Graceland has announced that both Priscilla Presley and Jerry Schilling will each host an exclusive personal tour of Graceland. Priscilla will also make a special appearance during Elvis Week 2022 at ELVIS PRESLEY IN CONCERT on August 16 and CONVERSATIONS ON ELVIS on August 15 at the Graceland Soundstage, in addition to attending an exclusive cocktail party on Graceland’s north lawn on the 17th.

For a complete line-up of all Elvis Week shows, events and activities, go to