Black Eyed Peas Set for 4K Interactive Streaming Experience Available on June 11th

Six-time Grammy award-winning genre-bending pioneers Black Eyed Peas are set for an exclusive 4K interactive streaming experience on June 11th on BEPLIVE.COM.

This show will be the Black Eyed Peas first show in support of their 2020 platinum-selling album Translation, which even during the pandemic found success in a series of chart-topping singles, collectively winning numerous award nominations, as well as gold, platinum, and diamond certifications globally and sparking viral TikTok challenges. The concert will not only feature Black Eyed Peas original members, Taboo, in their first live performance with an audience since Covid-19, but will also feature some unique surprises that fans will not want to miss.

When asked about the upcoming concert Taboo said:

Doing our first live show with an audience in 14 months is going to be a very emotional experience.  We’ve made it, and our families have made it surviving against the odds to get back on stage in front of a live audience.” Melrose Media founders Manuel Molina and Amos Rozenberg added, “We can’t wait to give fans around the world this unique interactive 4k streaming experience of the Black Eyed Peas from the safety of their homes.

The live stream of this special concert will be available for those around the world on June 11th using new blockchain streaming platform You can purchase stream tickets via:, to be part of the in-person concert in Florida, purchase tickets via LiveNation.

Experience a unique BLOCKCHAIN multi-view 4k HDR10 LIVESTREAM EVENT brought to you by the Black Eyed Peas and Melrose Media. The film will be produced by Paramax Films and Black Dog Films with Creative Director Christian Lamb of Black Dog Films / Ridley Scott Associates.