Balcony Talk Release “Iamlostwithoutyou” Video

Brooklyn-based alternative/indie project Balcony Talk have released a music video for their new single “Iamlostwithoutyou.”

The focus track on their recent EP “Calendar Daze,” the single is a testament to Balcony Talk‘s innovative and refined creativity.

Balcony Talk is a solo alternative/indie project from Brooklyn, New York founded by Anthony Cafiero. Being Anthony’s side project, he released Balcony Talk’s first EP “Birdhouse” while simultaneously pursuing his other band. Soon after leaving his previous band in late 2019, Ant took Balcony much more seriously. Never truly considering himself much of a singer/songwriter; he took the role as his love for Balcony Talk grew into his top priority.

The name Balcony Talk is a term created by Anthony which means those deep, and honest conversations you have with a friend or stranger that helps you come to a realization. Usually taking place on a balcony, in a car, or wherever it may take place, you can call it a “Balcony Talk”.