The animated family adventure HEDGEHOGS arrives on DVD and Digital February 13 from Lionsgate.
Awarded the Dove Seal of Approval, HEDGEHOGS follows a mischievous hedgehog named Bobby (voiced by Anthony Padilla of Smosh) and a pigeon named Hubert on a wild journey.
In this outrageous family adventure, Web superstars @jennxpenn (Jen McAllister) and the Smosh duo (Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox) join forces with comedy legends Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) and Chevy Chase (Caddyshack). The laughter begins as a mischievous hedgehog named Bobby leaves his wilderness home and joins Hubert, a featherbrained pigeon, on a wild, unpredictable journey. They make their way to the big city, where stressed-out humans are losing their minds. Bobby and Hubert must calm the nervous citizens by being their cute, cuddly selves.