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flor Release New Single, “Warm Blood Pt. 2”

photo by Paige MacDonald

Hood River, Oregon’s alt-pop pride and joy flor are riding out the joy of independence with the release of their new single “Warm Blood Pt 2.”

With the song’s precursor dating back to their 2016 debut album come out. you’re hiding, part two wasn’t initially created as a follow-up. But as the band began writing with the intent of creating something as rapturous as the original, things started to fall in place, lead singer Zach Grace said:

When we got together to start working on ‘Warm Blood Pt 2’ we were trying to make a song that felt as euphoric as ‘Warm Blood’ did when we played it live. We wanted to compose a new song with that inspiration in mind.

It didn’t dawn on us that the perfect name for the song was ‘Warm Blood Pt 2’ until we were all sitting together around Thanksgiving and talking about how perfectly the songs fit together. The lyrics even tied themselves perfectly to the consequence of a choice made in the video game that heavily inspired ‘Warm Blood.’ It’s about the collateral damage of love.

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