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‘#EROCKS presents: Checking-In’ w/ Jorge Xolalpa Jr

Welcome to the new normal, for now, hopefully soon we can conduct more in-person interview, but for the time being we are launching ‘#EROCKS presents: Checking-In,’ where we check in on friends, family, celebrities, etc. We chat about how the stay-at -home order are affecting their daily lives, how their work schedule has changed, new upcoming projects, and more.

We kick-of Checking-In with writer, director, actor and all around badass, Jorge Xolalpa Jr., we chat about his current living situation, how he’s feeling, a new television series he wrote during quarantine, upcoming projects and much more.

Xolalpa’s film, Valentina, is now available for FREE on YouTube for the next two months, also on YouTubeRed if you are a subscriber, and COMING SOON to PANTAYA, a streaming service offering the best Spanish-Language movies.

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